Feline ceruminous cystomatosis

Ceruminous cystomatosis is a skin disease of the ear in cats. It is thought to be a congenital (present from birth) or degenerative (progressive, often irreversible deterioration) and senile (weaknesses or diseases of old age) change.

The condition affects cats of all ages, but cysts are more commonly encountered in middle-aged to older cats. Abyssinian and Persian cats seem preddispositioned.

The lesions are striking and consist of multiple discrete to coalescing blue-gray or purple papules, vesicles and/or nodules. On rupture, a yellow-brown to black viscous fluid is easily expressed. Diagnosis can be confirmed via histopathology.

The lesions tend to be cosmetically disturbing to owners but signs not very visible if they stay small and treatment is not necessarily needed. It does become a problem when the lesions enlarge and obstruct the ear canal, which disrupts normal self-cleaning. This can result in external ear infections. In this case, the cysts might need to be removed via carbon dioxide laser, surgical removal, cryotherapy, or chemical cautery.

With appropriate therapy, a long-term resolution is good. Depending on the extent and severity of cysts more than one procedure may be required.



Source: Berger, Darren. “Feline Ceruminous Cystomatosis.” Clinician’s Brief June 2015: 25. Print.