Mild weather means Fleas and ticks are thriving!

We have all been enjoying the nice weather with mild temperatures! Unfortunately, fleas and ticks are thriving in this weather as well. We have been seeing a large increase in patients with fleas and also had patients test positive for Lyme disease after being infected by ticks.
Flea infestations can produce life-threatening anemia in small kittens and puppies. Fleas feed by piercing the skin, injecting a substance that stops blood clotting, and sucking up the resulting free-flowing blood. Flea saliva can also trigger severe reactions in allergic animals.
Ticks are especially dangerous because, in addition to skin irritation, they can lead to tapeworms, Lyme disease, anemia, and several other maladies.
Please make sure to keep up the monthly flea- and tick treatment of your pets. Also, make sure to wash blankets and dog beds regularly.