Dental Surgery

Dental surgery for cats and dogs is a routine procedure at Neumeister Animal Hospital. It ranges from preventive care to tooth extractions. You can read up on our routine dental procedures on our Services page about Dental Care and Oral Radiology.

In this particular case, a dog was scheduled for routine cleaning. After the dog was anesthetized it was possible to view more of the dog’s gingiva/gums and a tumor was found. Oral tumors are relatively common in cats and dogs. Benign and malignant tumors of the oral cavity account for 3-12% of all tumors in cats and 6% of all tumors in dogs []. All oral growths should be investigated, therefore a biopsy was done and the tissue was submitted to a pathologist.

Left side before the dental cleaning.

Left side after dental cleaning.

Right side before dental cleaning.

Right side after dental cleaning.

A tumor was found during the dental cleaning procedure.

A dental radiograph was taken. Loss of alveolar bone surrounding the roots

Dr. Neumeister removed the tumor and sent the tissue to a pathology laboratory.